Prof Dr. Hoo Ke Ping
57 years old , a renown and reputable economist, politician and analyst in Malaysia . He obtained his Doctor in Business Adm (DBA) from Southern Cross University in Australia . He acts as an advisor to Trade Associations, banks and more than 50 other establishments.
Dr. Hoo Ke Ping has been appointed as director in corporate firm , he has also been a lecturer , researcher and taken part in IDRC and World Bank survey. He has published 5 books on economics , i.e Asian financial crisis , International monetary policy and foreign exchange trends , the performance of Malaysian Ringgit.
Mr Phua Lee Kerk
is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Pheim Unit Trust Berhad. He has wide and varied experience in the financial advisory and portfolio management fields, having worked in Japan, Malaysia and Singapore for more than 20 years with companies like Smith Barney (now Salomon Smith Barney), Barings Securities (now ING Baring), and Vickers Balleas, Jupiter Research and APS Asset Management.
He has presented various papers on investment, corporate finance and M&A both locally and overseas in conferences and seminars organized by World Bank, UNESCO, UNIDO, Securities Commission, Bursa Malaysia, Bank Negara, MII, FPAM and others.
He serves as a committee member of the Economic Research Board of The Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia and also chairs the Public Awareness Committee of CFA Malaysia. He is also co-writer of the book "A Practical Approach To Mergers and Acquisitions in Financial Services Industry". He also serves as a committee member of Economic Study of the Federation of Chinese Association Malaysia.